Featured Gems Ranking

Featured gems which are based on difference between daily rank and total rank.
1-20 of all 644 gems.
RankDiffDaily RankTotal RankNameSummary
1+13,00945113,460google-logging-utilsUtility classes for logging to Google Cloud Logging
2+6,8969187,814repl_type_completorType based completion for REPL.
3+3,6605274,187fastlane-sirpA Ruby implementation of the Secure Remote Password protocol (SRP-6a). SiRP is a cr...
4+2,9749423,916rindaThe Linda distributed computing paradigm in Ruby.
5+2,9718683,839syslogRuby interface for the POSIX system logging facility.
6+2,8433643,207gitlab-kas-grpcAuto-generated gRPC client for KAS
7+2,6138393,452getoptlongGetoptLong for Ruby
8+2,5338383,371resolv-replaceReplace Socket DNS with Resolv.
9+2,4727963,268abbrevCalculates a set of unique abbreviations for a given set of strings
10+2,2535372,790observerImplementation of the Observer object-oriented design pattern.
11+2,1606422,802opentelemetry-instrumentation-action_mailerActionMailer instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework
12+2,0653042,369ostructClass to build custom data structures, similar to a Hash.
13+1,9549772,931doorkeeper-device_authorization_grantOAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant extension for Doorkeeper.
14+1,8598132,672google-apis-firebaseappdistribution_v1alphaThis is the simple REST client for Firebase App Distribution API V1alpha. Simple REST c...
15+1,8114882,299fiber-storageProvides a compatibility shim for fiber storage.
16+1,7822772,059unicode-emoji[Emoji 16.0] Provides Unicode Emoji data and regexes, incorporating the latest Unicode ...
17+1,7765122,288sysrandomSysrandom generates secure random numbers using /dev/urandom, getrandom(), etc
18+1,7217302,451faraday-typhoeusFaraday adapter for Typhoeus
19+1,6354322,067rubocop-rspec_railsCode style checking for RSpec Rails files. A plugin for the RuboCop code style enforcin...
20+1,6101761,786securerandomInterface for secure random number generator.