Featured Gems Ranking

Featured gems which are based on difference between daily rank and total rank.
1-20 of all 637 gems.
RankDiffDaily RankTotal RankNameSummary
1+7,3268648,190grpc_reflectionGRPC Server Reflection Protocol for Ruby
2+5,0299315,960rspec-watcherAutomatically runs specs in reaction to changes in files. Loads the project once and us...
3+4,5464304,976sin_lru_reduxEfficient and thread-safe LRU cache. Forked from LruRedux.
4+4,3768605,236gitlab-secret_detectionGitLab Secret Detection gem accepts text-based payloads, matches them against predefine...
5+3,6763714,047prettyprintImplements a pretty printing algorithm for readable structure.
6+3,6139944,607solid_cacheA database backed ActiveSupport::Cache::Store
7+3,5986924,290hanami-cliHanami command line
8+3,5563313,887ppProvides a PrettyPrinter for Ruby objects
9+3,4098854,294kamalDeploy web apps in containers to servers running Docker with zero downtime.
10+3,2429894,231solid_queueDatabase-backed Active Job backend.
11+3,0729183,990google-logging-utilsUtility classes for logging to Google Cloud Logging
12+2,9307973,727gitlab-cloud-connectorThis gem provides common CloudConnector configuration and libraries for GitLab projects.
13+2,8135213,334rubocop-rails-omakaseOmakase Ruby styling for Rails
14+2,4986803,178hanami-utilsHanami utilities
15+2,2887993,087rake-compiler-dockEasy to use and reliable cross compiler environment for building Windows and Linux bina...
16+2,2438563,099fastlane-sirpA Ruby implementation of the Secure Remote Password protocol (SRP-6a). SiRP is a cr...
17+2,1847112,895singletonThe Singleton module implements the Singleton pattern.
18+2,1589083,066rufoFast and unobtrusive Ruby code formatter
19+2,0706952,765transprocTransform Ruby objects in functional style
20+2,0166672,683gem-releaseRelease your ruby gems with ease. (What a bold statement for such a tiny plugin ...)