Git Tools Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1613512ruggedRugged is a Ruby bindings to the libgit2 linkable C Git library. This is for testing an...
21,5441,785overcommitUtility to install, configure, and extend Git hooks
38,96230,873git-upgit command to fetch and rebase all branches
414,15867,963git_reflowGit Reflow manages your git workflow.
517,8925,839git-copDEPRECATED: Use Git Lint ( instead.
621,26153,132ginatraGit repository viewer with a rocking good web interface
735,02867,963git-autobisectFind the first broken commit without having to learn git bisect
835,57667,963git_spelunkgit-spelunk is a terminal based exploration tool for git blame and history, based on th...
952,99167,963git-whenceFind the merge and pull request a commit came from + find cherry-picks