Navigation Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,9791,894active_link_toHelpful method when you need to add some logic that figures out if the link (or more of...
22,1532,209breadcrumbs_on_railsBreadcrumbsOnRails is a simple Ruby on Rails plugin for creating and managing a breadcr...
32,7002,577gretelGretel is a Ruby on Rails plugin that makes it easy yet flexible to create breadcrumbs.
43,1413,077simple-navigationWith the simple-navigation gem installed you can easily create multilevel navigations f...
55,8854,828loafLoaf manages and displays breadcrumb trails in your Rails app. It aims to handle breadc...
619,29113,609abrahamTrackable application tours for Rails with i18n support, based on Shepherd.js.
7124,085117,678nateabbott-friendly-idA comprehensive slugging and pretty-URL plugin for ActiveRecord.