Scientific Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1308729jaro_winklerjaro_winkler is an implementation of Jaro-Winkler \ distance algorithm which is writt...
21,5901,979smarter_csvRuby Gem for convenient reading and writing of CSV files. It has intelligent defaults, ...
32,5454,249algorithmsHeap, Priority Queue, Deque, Stack, Queue, Red-Black Trees, Splay Trees, sorting algori...
42,8982,497distributionDistribution is a gem with several probabilistic distributions. Pure Ruby is used by de...
53,5632,683rglRGL is a framework for graph data structures and algorithms
63,7963,727daruDaru (Data Analysis in RUby) is a library for analysis, manipulation and visualization ...
74,4953,703narrayNumerical N-dimensional Array class
84,9156,669bloomfilter-rbCounting Bloom Filter implemented in Ruby
96,15826,834statsampleA suite for basic and advanced statistics on Ruby. Tested on CRuby 1.9.3, 2.0.0 and 2.1...
106,22323,070minimizationMinimization algorithms on pure Ruby
116,5238,173gslRuby/GSL is a Ruby interface to the GNU Scientific Library, for numerical computing wit...
128,578133,399bioroebeThis is the bioroebe-0.13.x release series. It is encouraged to use ruby 3.2.x (or high...
139,79713,374ai4rRuby algorithm implementations covering several Artificial intelligence fields, includi...
1411,04745,217ruby-fannBindings to use FANN from within ruby/rails environment
1511,41823,070ruby-opencvruby-opencv is a wrapper of OpenCV for Ruby. It helps you to write computer vision prog...
1612,20479,566sequenceserverSequenceServer lets you rapidly set up a BLAST+ server with an intuitive user interface...
1712,34011,827decisiontreeID3-based implementation of the M.L. Decision Tree algorithm
1814,7199,004dhash-vipsdHash and IDHash perceptual image hashing/fingerprinting
1921,023100,086stuff-classifier2 methods are provided for now - (1) naive bayes implementation + (2) tf-idf weights
2026,44945,217integrationNumerical integration for Ruby with a simple interface.
2131,967100,086mdarray"MDArray is a multi dimensional array implemented for JRuby inspired by NumPy (www.nump...
2241,305100,086sciruby-fullScientific gems for Ruby. This is the full installation with rigid version constraints.
2347,37827,691statsample-glmStatsample-GLM is an extension to Statsample, an advance statistics suite in Ruby. Th...
2462,114100,086publisciA toolkit for publishing scientific results and datasets using RDF, OWL, and related te...
2565,98737,929digiprocAllows design of digital signals using the FFT, design of Digital Filters using the Win...
2666,576100,086nmatrix-atlasFor using linear algebra fuctions provided by ATLAS
2768,927100,086statsample-timeseriesVarious functions for time series analysis.
28102,837100,086plotrbPlotrb is a plotting tool in Ruby.
29142,62048,448bytemanAllows simple transformation of data into hex strings, hexdigest strings, integer byte ...
30176,295100,086symcalcSymCalc adds symbolic mathematics and calculus to your code. Create, evaluate and diffe...