1 | 257 | 210 | brakeman | Brakeman detects security vulnerabilities in Ruby on Rails applications via static anal... |
2 | 354 | 321 | rack-attack | A rack middleware for throttling and blocking abusive requests |
3 | 370 | 383 | bundler-audit | bundler-audit provides patch-level verification for Bundled apps. |
4 | 1,122 | 769 | invisible_captcha | Unobtrusive, flexible and complete spam protection for Rails applications using honeypo... |
5 | 1,233 | 807 | cose | Ruby implementation of RFC 8152 CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) |
6 | 1,243 | 796 | webauthn | WebAuthn ruby server library ― Make your application a W3C Web Authentication conforman... |
7 | 1,353 | 1,756 | secure_headers | Add easily configured security headers to responses
including content-security-poli... |
8 | 1,697 | 1,023 | cvss-suite | This Ruby gem calculates the score based on the vector of the
Common Vulnerability Scor... |
9 | 3,390 | 3,515 | strong_password | Entropy-based password strength checking for Ruby and ActiveModel |
10 | 4,328 | 4,049 | hrr_rb_ssh | Pure Ruby SSH 2.0 server and client implementation |
11 | 4,886 | 1,971 | zxcvbn | 100% native Ruby 100% compatible port of Dropbox's zxcvbn.js |
12 | 9,510 | 9,183 | contrast-agent | This gem instantiates a Rack middleware for rack-based web applications in order to pro... |
13 | 14,645 | 32,694 | ronin | Ronin is a free and Open Source Ruby toolkit for security research and development. Ron... |
14 | 15,546 | 9,351 | api_guard | JWT authentication solution for Rails APIs |
15 | 18,221 | 13,358 | ronin-support | ronin-support is a support library for ronin-rb. ronin-support provides
many Core Exten... |
16 | 18,556 | 10,815 | XSpear | XSpear is XSS Scanner on ruby gems |
17 | 32,995 | 13,592 | ronin-exploits | ronin-exploits is a Ruby micro-framework for writing and running exploits.
ronin-exploi... |
18 | 37,513 | 54,798 | sudo_rails | Protect any Rails action with password confirmation. |
19 | 43,623 | 20,949 | aoandon | Aoandon (青行燈) is a minimalist network intrusion detection system (NIDS). |
20 | 45,373 | 11,437 | wordlist | Wordlist is a Ruby library and CLI for reading, combining, mutating, and building wordl... |
21 | 45,988 | 54,798 | rubylibcrack | A binding to the *nix password strength checking library, libcrack/cracklib. |
22 | 64,195 | 54,798 | tls-map | CLI & library for mapping TLS cipher algorithm names: IANA, OpenSSL, GnuTLS, NSS;get in... |
23 | 71,763 | 12,084 | ronin-db | ronin-db is a database library for managing and querying security data.
ronin-db provid... |
24 | 74,801 | 17,635 | grape-idempotency | Add idempotency support to your Grape APIs for safely retrying requests without acciden... |
25 | 88,446 | 12,215 | ronin-payloads | ronin-payloads is a Ruby micro-framework for writing and running exploit payloads. roni... |
26 | 89,195 | 12,084 | ronin-vulns | ronin-vulns is a Ruby library for blind vulnerability testing.
It currently supports te... |
27 | 176,688 | 13,846 | ronin-nmap | ronin-nmap is a Ruby library and CLI for working with nmap. ronin-nmap can
parse nmap X... |
28 | 176,814 | 13,846 | ronin-recon | ronin-recon is a micro-framework and tool for performing reconnaissance.
ronin-recon us... |
29 | 176,997 | 13,846 | ronin-listener-http | ronin-listener-http is a HTTP server for receiving exfiltrated data sent via
HTTP reque... |
30 | 177,001 | 13,846 | ronin-support-web | ronin-support-web is a web specific support library for ronin-rb.
ronin-support-web pro... |
31 | 177,116 | 13,846 | ronin-listener | ronin-listener is a small CLI utility for receiving exfiltrated data over DNS
or HTTP. ... |
32 | 177,225 | 13,846 | ronin-masscan | ronin-masscan is a Ruby library and CLI for working with masscan.
ronin-masscan can par... |
33 | 177,314 | 13,846 | ronin-web-browser | ronin-web-browser is a Ruby library for automating the Chrome web browser.
ronin-web-br... |
34 | 177,597 | 13,846 | ronin-web-session_cookie | ronin-web-session_cookie is a library for parsing and deserializing various
session coo... |
35 | 177,679 | 13,846 | ronin-listener-dns | ronin-listener-dns is a DNS server for receiving exfiltrated data sent via DNS
queries.... |
36 | 177,842 | 13,846 | ronin-wordlists | ronin-wordlists is a library and tool for managing wordlists. ronin-wordlists
can insta... |
37 | 177,912 | 13,846 | ronin-dns-proxy | ronin-dns-proxy is a configurable DNS proxy server library. It supports
returning spoof... |
38 | 177,917 | 13,846 | ronin-app | ronin-app is a small web application that is meant to be ran locally by the
user. It pr... |