Testing Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11911minitestminitest provides a complete suite of testing facilities supporting TDD, BDD, mocking, ...
22688rspecBDD for Ruby
3120138webmockWebMock allows stubbing HTTP requests and setting expectations on HTTP requests.
4136162capybaraCapybara is an integration testing tool for rack based web applications. It simulates h...
5138159selenium-webdriverSelenium implements the W3C WebDriver protocol to automate popular browsers. It aim...
614760knapsackParallel tests across CI server nodes based on each test file's time execution. It gene...
7152146factory_botfactory_bot provides a framework and DSL for defining and using factories - less error-...
8153221fakerFaker, a port of Data::Faker from Perl, is used to easily generate fake data: names, ad...
9175369timecopA gem providing "time travel" and "time freezing" capabilities, making it dead simple t...
10185238springPreloads your application so things like console, rake and tests run faster
11192191shoulda-matchersShoulda Matchers provides RSpec- and Minitest-compatible one-liners to test common Rail...
12308733vcrRecord your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for ...
13311503parallel_testsRun Test::Unit / RSpec / Cucumber / Spinach in parallel
14462846cucumberBehaviour Driven Development with elegance and joy
15635874mochaMocking and stubbing library with JMock/SchMock syntax, which allows mocking and stubbi...
16649840test-unittest-unit (Test::Unit) is unit testing framework for Ruby, based on xUnit principles. T...
17705506fuubarthe instafailing RSpec progress bar formatter
18735842power_assertPower Assert shows each value of variables and method calls in the expression. It is us...
19762459ffakerFfaker generates dummy data.
20771416rspec-parameterizedRSpec::Parameterized supports simple parameterized test syntax in rspec.
211,0422,003poltergeistPoltergeist is a driver for Capybara that allows you to run your tests on a headless We...
221,1091,500watirWatir stands for Web Application Testing In Ruby It facilitates the writing of automate...
231,409607undercoverActionable code coverage - detects untested code blocks in recent changes
241,8822,251rrRR is a test double framework that features a rich selection of double techniques and a...
251,9682,080minitest-hooksminitest-hooks adds around and before_all/after_all/around_all hooks for Minitest. This...
261,9962,083fabricationFabrication is an object generation framework for ActiveRecord, Mongoid, DataMapper, Se...
272,0352,799sporkA forking Drb spec server
282,0742,001appraisalAppraisal integrates with bundler and rake to test your library against different versi...
292,3161,837cuke_modelerThis gem facilitates modeling a test suite that is written in Gherkin (e.g. Cucumber, S...
302,5633,413forgeryEasy and customizable generation of forged data. Can be used as a gem or a rails plugin...
312,8634,297arubaExtension for popular TDD and BDD frameworks like "Cucumber", "RSpec" and "Minitest", t...
323,4604,081test_xmlTest your XML with Test::Unit, MiniTest, RSpec, or Cucumber using handy assertions like...
333,7728,327spinachSpinach is a BDD framework on top of gherkin
343,8493,209ruby-jmeterRuby based DSL for writing JMeter test plans
353,9802,809puppet_litmusProviding a simple command line tool for puppet content creators, to enable simple and ...
364,0176,331machinistFixtures aren't fun. Machinist is.
374,6856,636nyan-cat-formatterNyan Cat inspired RSpec formatter!
384,8865,684onceoverAutomatically generates tests for your Puppet code
395,00012,989konachaKonacha is a Rails engine that allows you to test your JavaScript with the mocha test f...
406,96810,583cuke_slicerSlices a Cucumber test suite into the smallest possible executable pieces (i.e. scenari...
417,2685,300chutneyA linter for your Cucumber features. Making sure you have nice, expressible Gherkin is ...
427,3355,641cuke_linterThis gem provides linters for detecting common 'smells' in `.feature` files. In additio...
437,77520,426baconBacon is a small RSpec clone weighing less than 350 LoC but nevertheless providing all ...
448,5564,076workato-connector-sdkReproduce key concepts of Workato SDK, DSL, behavior and constraints.
458,95210,206active_mockerCreates stub classes from any ActiveRecord model. By using stubs in your tests you don'...
469,8536,705faker_makerFakerMaker is a simple factory builder so you can throw away your fixtures and generate...
4710,6717,453rspec-dry-structRSpec `have_attribute` matcher for dry-struct gem
4811,12615,437cqlCQL is a domain specific language used for querying a Cucumber (or other Gherkin based)...
4911,1938,156matchiMatchi is a framework-agnostic Ruby library that provides a comprehensive set of expect...
5012,62610,761mutant-minitestMinitest integration for mutant
5112,96615,590cutestRun tests in separate processes to avoid shared state.
5214,63825,967cucumber_analyticsStatic analysis of Cucumber tests made easy.
5314,77625,967api_tasterA quick and easy way to visually test out your application's API.
5415,65313,831spectusExpectation library with RFC 2119's requirement levels 🚥
5516,13915,963howitzerHowitzer uses the best practices and design patterns allowing to generate a test projec...
5617,07811,699fixFix is a modern Ruby testing framework built around a key architectural principle: the ...
5723,60323,102cuke_catalogerScans existing Cucumber tests and updates them to include an id tag that is unique for ...
5826,14320,954gitarrogitarro run tests on GitHub PRs using almost any script,language or binary, it integrat...
5926,7668,099ruby_raiderThis gem has everything you need to start working with test automation
6029,26143,129cuketaggerbatch tagging of cucumber features and scenarios
6130,19014,630r_specA minimalist RSpec clone with all the essentials.
6233,46840,844zapataWho has time to write tests? This is a revolutional tool to make them write themselves.
6343,64128,597brutalA code-first approach to automate the writing of unit tests.
6444,25815,138mature_factoryconfigurable modules provide a tiny DSL for managing factory
6556,85277,363emoji-rspecCustom formatters for RSpec tests.
6670,00677,363fake_personA Ruby library for creating fake personalities
6777,13950,275capybara-wslAllows Capybara to open pages/screenshots in Windows browsers via Launchy.
6889,33169,337like_im_fiveLike Im Five generate a file with factories you need to test a specific object. It use ...
69110,717107,759cuke_commanderProvides an easy way to build a cucumber commandline.
70148,159107,759capybara-react-datetimeHelper for changing date input of react-datetime library
71155,74777,363rspec-log_matcherWriting logs is an easy way to store any kind of information for further analysis later...
72167,80434,176importmap_mocha-railsAdd JavaScript testing tools in importmap-rails environment.
73173,975139,268haml-lint-bootstrapA simple HAML-Lint plugin used for linting HAML files utilizing Bootstrap. Supported Bo...
74175,45060,752cucoA simple and flexible file watcher