1 | 2,700 | 3,325 | faye | Simple pub/sub messaging for the web |
2 | 3,033 | 2,392 | anycable | AnyCable is a polyglot replacement for ActionCable-compatible servers |
3 | 8,911 | 27,184 | websocket-rails | Seamless Ruby on Rails websocket integration. |
4 | 13,050 | 57,843 | firehose | Firehose is a realtime web application toolkit for building realtime Ruby web applicati... |
5 | 16,572 | 22,963 | discorb | == discorb
discorb is a Discord API wrapper for Ruby, Using {socketry/async}[https://gi... |
6 | 19,092 | 57,843 | slanger | A websocket service compatible with Pusher libraries |
7 | 65,036 | 57,843 | render_sync | RenderSync turns your Rails partials realtime with automatic updates through Faye |
8 | 176,006 | 21,760 | ronin-support-web | ronin-support-web is a web specific support library for ronin-rb.
ronin-support-web pro... |