Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
2661-2680 of all 184,353 gems.
2,6613,831rspec-sqlimitRSpec matcher to control SQL queries made by block of code
2,6623,826sprockets-es6A Sprockets transformer that converts ES6 code into vanilla ES5 with Babel JS.
2,6633,825vpimThis is a pure-ruby library for decoding and encoding vCard and iCalendar data ("person...
2,6643,824appium_lib_coreMinimal Ruby library for Appium.
2,6653,819httmultipartyHTTMultiParty is a thin wrapper around HTTParty to provide multipart uploads.
2,6653,819apktoolsLibrary to assist reading resource data out of Android APKs
2,6673,816logstash-filter-pruneThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
2,6683,815tomlParse your TOML, seriously.
2,6693,813webhdfsRuby WebHDFS/HttpFs client
2,6693,813devise-asyncDevise Async provides an easy way to configure Devise to send its emails asynchronously...
2,6713,808logstash-mixin-http_clientThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
2,6723,807dropbox_apiLibrary for communicating with Dropbox API v2
2,6733,804rubocop-sequelCode style checking for Sequel
2,6743,802MailchimpTransactionalThe official Ruby client library for the Mailchimp Trainsactional API
2,6753,794spySpy is a mocking library that was made for the modern age. It supports only 2.1.0+. Spy...
2,6763,793rack-ssl-enforcerRack::SslEnforcer is a simple Rack middleware to enforce ssl connections
2,6763,793puppet-stringsPuppet documentation via YARD
2,6783,791polyamorousThis is just an extraction from Ransack/Squeel. You probably don't want to use this ...
2,6793,790brotliBrotli compressor/decompressor
2,6803,782etcdRuby client library for etcd