Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
3341-3360 of all 183,695 gems.
3,339967azure_mgmt_computeMicrosoft Azure Compute Management Client Library for Ruby
3,342966jekyll-whiteglassMinimal, responsive Jekyll theme for hackers.
3,342966logstash-output-opensearchThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
3,344965grape-roarUse Roar with Grape
3,344965ruby-oembedAn oEmbed consumer library written in Ruby, letting you easily get embeddable HTML repr...
3,346964net_http_timeout_errorsProvides a list of Net::HTTP timeout errors.
3,346964asciidoctor-diagramAsciidoctor diagramming extension
3,348963prawn-emojiPrawn::Emoji is an extention that adds Emoji support to Prawn
3,348963kodachromaA library for color manipulation and palette generation.
3,348963mustermann-contribAdds many plugins to Mustermann
3,351962rubocop-githubCode style checking for GitHub Ruby repositories
3,352961draper-cancancanResolves a breaking change in CanCanCan version 1.13.0 and above when using it with Dra...
3,353959cocoapods-whitelistA short description of cocoapods-allowlist.
3,353959workflow-activerecordActiveRecord/Rails Integration for the Workflow library. Workflow is a finite-state-mac...
3,353959hansiDer ANSI Hansi - create colorized console output.
3,356958after_commit_actionUse this module to defer actions to the after-commit hook. This is useful if you want t...
3,356958bech32The implementation of Bech32 encoder and decoder.
3,356958memcache-clientA Ruby library for accessing memcached.
3,359957remove_bgUse remove.bg with our official Ruby library to quickly, easily and 100% automatically ...
3,360956rtesseractRuby library for working with the Tesseract OCR.