Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
3461-3480 of all 184,353 gems.
3,4611,887chefspecChefSpec is a unit testing and resource coverage (code coverage) framework for testing ...
3,4611,887prettierprettier plugin for the Ruby programming language
3,4611,887andandMaybe Monad in idiomatic Ruby.
3,4641,884capybara-lockstepSynchronize Capybara commands with client-side JavaScript and AJAX requests
3,4651,883acts_as_votableRails gem to allowing records to be votable
3,4651,883image_voodooImage manipulation in JRuby with ImageScience compatible API
3,4651,883minitest-lineFocused tests for Minitest
3,4651,883docoptIsn't it awesome how `optparse` and other option parsers generate help and usage-messag...
3,4691,881shippoA gem for connecting with over 20 shipping carriers and consolidators via a single inte...
3,4701,880github_apiRuby client that supports all of the GitHub API methods. It"s build in a modular way, t...
3,4711,878natural_sortNatural sorting support for Ruby
3,4711,878busserBusser - Runs tests for projects in Test Kitchen
3,4731,875powerbarThe last progressbar-library you'll ever need
3,4741,873xml-mappingAn easy to use, extensible library for semi-automatically mapping Ruby objects to XML a...
3,4741,873vonageVonage Server SDK for Ruby
3,4761,872padrino-supportA number of support methods and extensions for Padrino framework
3,4771,871ruby-string-match-scorerFlex matching short abbreviations against longer strings is a boon in productivity for ...
3,4791,867github_changelog_generatorChangelog generation has never been so easy. Fully automate changelog generation - this...
3,4801,866delayed_job_mongoidMongoid backend for delayed_job