Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
3581-3600 of all 184,353 gems.
3,5801,750fastlane-plugin-appiconGenerate required icon sizes and iconset from a master application icon.
3,5801,750async-http-cacheStandard-compliant cache for async-http.
3,5831,749veracodePrepares your Ruby on Rails app for submission to Veracode.
3,5841,748jekyll-theme-architectArchitect is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages
3,5841,748jekyll-theme-tactileTactile is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages
3,5841,748chefstyleRuboCop configuration for Chef's ruby projects
3,5841,748jekyll-theme-merlotMerlot is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages
3,5881,746awsecretsAWS credentials loader
3,5891,744jekyll-theme-minimalMinimal is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages
3,5901,743jekyll-theme-slateSlate is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages
3,5911,742soap4r-ruby1.9Ruby 1.9.2 compatible soap4r library
3,5911,742clambyClamby allows users to scan files uploaded with Paperclip or Carrierwave. If a file has...
3,5931,740jekyll-theme-primerPrimer is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages based on GitHub's Primer styles
3,5931,740jekyll-theme-midnightMidnight is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages
3,5931,740jekyll-theme-time-machineTime Machine is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages
3,5961,738fast_ignoreParse gitignore files, quickly
3,5971,732differA simple gem for generating string diffs
3,5981,726regexp-examplesRegexp#examples returns a list of "all" strings that are matched by the regex. Regexp#r...
3,5991,724delayed_cron_jobDelayed Cron Job is an extension to Delayed::Job that allows ...
3,6001,722shopify_appThis gem is used to get quickly started with the Shopify API