Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
361-380 of all 180,671 gems.
36176,144dangerStop Saying 'You Forgot To…' in Code Review
36276,135oauthOAuth Core Ruby implementation
36375,655lumberjackA simple, powerful, and very fast logging utility that can be a drop in replacement for...
36475,409fog-awsThis library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider ...
36575,255terminal-notifierSend User Notifications on macOS 10.10 or higher.
36674,711rackupA general server command for Rack applications.
36774,615xcprettyXcodebuild formatter designed to be piped with `xcodebuild`, and thus keeping 100% ...
36874,301naturallyNatural Sorting with support for legal numbering, course numbers, and other number/lett...
36974,256xml-simpleA simple API for XML processing.
37074,123net-sftpA pure Ruby implementation of the SFTP client protocol
37173,925guardGuard is a command line tool to easily handle events on file system modifications.
37273,560get_process_memGet memory usage of a process in Ruby
37373,339gitlabRuby client and CLI for GitLab API
37473,254ddtraceddtrace is Datadog's tracing client for Ruby. It is used to trace requests as they flow...
37573,251aws-sdk-cloudformationOfficial AWS Ruby gem for AWS CloudFormation. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
37673,218aws-sdk-secretsmanagerOfficial AWS Ruby gem for AWS Secrets Manager. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
37773,101word_wrapAs simple as it gets CLI tool for word-wrapping plain-text. Y...
37873,069shellanyMRI+JRuby compatible command output capturing
37973,002nenvUsing ENV is like using raw SQL statements in your code. We all know how that ends...
38072,998notiffanyWrapper libray for most popular notification libraries such as Growl, Libnotify, No...