Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
4141-4160 of all 183,707 gems.
4,137201thumbhashA Ruby implememntation of ThumbHash
4,137201fastlane-plugin-test_center🎯 Understand, tame, and train your iOS & Mac tests 🎉
4,143200trailblazerRuby framework for structuring your business logic.
4,143200animaInitialize object attributes via attributes hash
4,143200memo_wiseThe wise choice for Ruby memoization
4,143200license_scoutDiscovers license files of a project's dependencies.
4,143200quircRuby bindings for C library quirc that extracts and decode QR images
4,148199google-cloud-monitoring-v3Cloud Monitoring collects metrics, events, and metadata from Google Cloud, Amazon Web S...
4,148199svixSvix makes webhooks easy and reliable. Learn more at https://www.svix.com
4,148199sass-json-varsA Ruby Sass custom importer that allows the use of JSON to declare variables with @impo...
4,148199jquery_file_download-railsjquery.fileDownload.js package for Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline
4,148199wisper-activerecordSubscribe to changes on ActiveRecord models
4,148199google-cloud-workflowsWorkflows link series of serverless tasks together in an order you define. Combine the ...
4,154198attribute_normalizerThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
4,154198capybara_discoballWhen ShamRack doesn't quite cut it; when your JavaScript and non-Ruby code needs to hit...
4,154198autoparseAn implementation of the JSON Schema specification. Provides automatic parsing for any ...
4,154198findThis module supports top-down traversal of a set of file paths.
4,154198prefixed_idsPrefixed IDs generates IDs with friendly prefixes for your models
4,154198cbor-diagcbor-diag implements diagnostic notation for CBOR, RFC 8949 and RFC 8742
4,160197simple_token_authenticationSimple (but safe) token authentication for Rails apps or API with Devise.