Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
4301-4320 of all 184,353 gems.
4,3001,048rlpA Ruby implementation of Ethereum's Recursive Length Prefix encoding (RLP).
4,3001,048asciimathA pure Ruby AsciiMath parsing and conversion library.
4,3001,048google-cloud-dataflowDataflow is a managed service for executing a wide variety of data processing patterns.
4,3041,047closure-compilerA Ruby Wrapper for the Google Closure Compiler.
4,3041,047sxpUniversal S-expression parser with specific support for Common Lisp, Scheme, and RDF/SP...
4,3061,046capistrano3-unicornUnicorn specific Capistrano tasks
4,3061,046faraday_curlPrints CURL compatible commands for the HTTP requests you're making
4,3061,046librarianpA Framework for Bundlers, used by librarian-puppet.
4,3061,046simplecov-csvCSV formatter for SimpleCov
4,3061,046autodocAuto-generate JSON API documents from your request-specs.
4,3111,045uploadcare-rubyRuby API client that handles uploads and further operations with files by wrapping Uplo...
4,3111,045imgproxyA gem that easily generates imgproxy URLs for your images
4,3111,045rails_email_validatora class to validate emails. it builded for rails
4,3111,045rubocop-daemonrubocop-daemon is a CLI tool that makes RuboCop faster.
4,3111,045capybara-inline-screenshotExtends capybara-screenshot with inline image output
4,3111,045tapptap { pp self }
4,3171,044resque_mailerRails plugin for sending asynchronous email with ActionMailer and Resque.
4,3171,044sensu-plugins-load-checksThis plugin provides native load instrumentation for moni...
4,3191,043jquery-slick-railsIntegrates Slick carousel, a jQuery plugin by Ken Wheeler, into your Rails app. THIS GE...
4,3191,043revision_plateRack middleware and application to show deployed application's revision (commit)