Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
5601-5620 of all 183,748 gems.
5,599571dry-effectsAlgebraic effects
5,599571ridleyA reliable Chef API client with a clean syntax
5,599571carrierwave_backgrounderOffload CarrierWave's image processing and storage to a background process using Delaye...
5,604570okta-jwtVerify Okta JWT access tokens using cached JWKs
5,604570bullet_train-fieldsBullet Train Fields
5,604570logsterUI for viewing logs in Rack
5,604570fat_zebraProvides integration with the Fat Zebra internet payment gateway (www.fatzebra.com), in...
5,604570devise-i18n-viewsTranslatable views for devise and the translations that go with them
5,609569puppet-module-posix-dev-r2.7A set of gems declaring Puppet module dependencies.
5,609569flexirestAccessing REST services in a flexible way
5,609569amazon_payAmazonPay Ruby SDK
5,609569search_copSearch engine like fulltext query support for ActiveRecord
5,613568ammeterWrite specs for your Rails 3+ generators
5,613568bosh_cpiBOSH CPI
5,613568bullet_train-themes-tailwind_cssBullet Train Themes Tailwind CSS Base
5,616567fastlane-plugin-dropboxUploads files to Dropbox
5,616567metasploit-concernAutomatically includes Modules from app/concerns//.rb in...
5,616567cells-slimSlim integration for Cells.
5,616567time_upA little library for managing multiple named timers
5,616567consistency_failWith more than one application server, validates_uniqueness_of becomes a lie. Two app s...