Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
1541-1560 of all 183,524 gems.
1,5414,283discardAllows marking ActiveRecord objects as discarded, and provides scopes for filtering.
1,5424,280logstash-eventLibrary that contains the classes required to create LogStash events
1,5434,279jekyll-seo-tagA Jekyll plugin to add metadata tags for search engines and social networks to better i...
1,5444,278ruby_powerpointA Ruby gem that can extract text and images from PowerPoint (pptx) files.
1,5454,277faraday-mashifyFaraday middleware for wrapping responses into Hashie::Mash.
1,5464,259aws-sdk-codeconnectionsOfficial AWS Ruby gem for AWS CodeConnections. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
1,5474,236xdan-datetimepicker-railsXDan's jQuery DateTimePicker packaged for the Rails Asset Pipeline
1,5484,230aws-sdk-deadlineOfficial AWS Ruby gem for AWSDeadlineCloud. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
1,5494,226aws-sdk-macie[DEPRECATED] Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Macie. This gem is part of the AWS SDK fo...
1,5494,226tty-markdownConvert a markdown text or document into a terminal friendly output.
1,5514,224interactorInteractor provides a common interface for performing complex user interactions.
1,5524,222aws-sdk-honeycode[DEPRECATED] Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Honeycode (Honeycode). This gem is part o...
1,5534,214aws-sdk-controlcatalogOfficial AWS Ruby gem for AWS Control Catalog. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
1,5544,198sauce_whiskA Wrapper for the Sauce Labs REST API.
1,5554,192aws-sdk-railsIntegrates the AWS SDK for Ruby with Ruby on Rails
1,5564,186xmlrpcXMLRPC is a lightweight protocol that enables remote procedure calls over HTTP.
1,5574,173multipart_bodyA ruby library to create multipart bodies.
1,5584,158prometheusA lightweight layer above Thor to quickly create beautiful command-line interfaces.
1,5594,152restforceA lightweight Ruby client for the Salesforce REST API
1,5604,150sidekiq-unique-jobsPrevents simultaneous Sidekiq jobs with the same unique arguments to run. Highly config...