Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
172061-172080 of all 180,403 gems.
69,2380scratch_pad-widgets-woopraWidget gem for ScratchPad
69,2380steam_valveThis Gem has been written to allow API calls to the Steam API
69,2380fastlane-plugin-translate_gptThis fastlane plugin provides an easy way to use the OpenAI GPT language model to trans...
69,2380fast_fuzzy_matcherA tiny and blazing-fast fuzzy search in pure Ruby with FFI bindings to Go.Fuzzy searchi...
69,2380google-maps-fleet_engine-v1Placeholder for the future Google-authored gem google-maps-fleet_engine-v1. This placeh...
69,2380knifer_sutherlandKnife plugin that writes nodes to your local hosts file.
69,2380livepeerRuby library for the Livepeer API.
69,2380tobinaryThis gem lets you convert any number to binary.
69,2380fastlane-plugin-deploy_aws_s3_cloudfrontDeploy local directory to AWS S3 bucket and invalidate CloudFront
69,2380tagfulTagging your exception.
69,2380volt-paginationA Volt component that provides a :pagination tag
69,2380fastlane-plugin-bluepillarFastlane Plugin to Run XCUITests in Parallel using Bluepill.
69,2380rack-json_web_token_authRack middleware for authentication using JSON Web Tokens using the jwt_claims and json_...
69,2380generatedietreturns true if the diet generated, otherwise returns false.
69,2380puppy_moneyConvert currencies using live exchange rates.
69,2380t2_airtimeWrapper methods to interface with [TransferTo](https://www.transfer-to.com/home) Airtim...
69,2380fastlane-plugin-resize_screenshotsResize screenshots taken from your simulator to use for Frameit.
69,2380fastlane-plugin-xcodebuildonlytestingCreates a array of tests from a junit to feed the xcodebuild only-testing
69,2380fastlane-plugin-verify_ipa_with_app_store_connectUses altool to verify an ipa with App Store Connect.
69,2380fastlane-plugin-crashlytics_uploadsymbols_downloaderDownloads the upload-symbols binary for projects that use SPM but dont want to have to ...