Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
179421-179440 of all 182,287 gems.
97,7220simple_descriptoradd description to your classes and make your ActiveRecord validations smarter
97,7220ripl-profilesThis ripl plugin adds a --profile option to ripl that loads profile files in ~/.ripl/pr...
97,7220resque-igoResque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing those j...
97,7220opentox-rubyRuby wrapper for the OpenTox REST API (http://www.opentox.org)
97,7220return_hookadds some convenience helpers and methods for hooking the redirect in a controller
97,7220riparConvert series of chained methods from . syntax to block syntax. Like instance_eval but...
97,7220copaAPI in Ruby to acess data of copatransparente.org.br
97,7220romaROMA is one of the data storing systems for distributed key-value stores. It is a compl...
97,7220rpgemRPGem will create a binary RPM with the compiled extensions, which you can install on a...
97,7220rlp-literlp-lite - light-weight machinery to serialize / deserialze via rlp (recursive length p...
97,7220rocky-kloutQuick, easy access to the Klout.com API. Loosely based on the Klout gem by Jason Torres...
97,7220robotlegsThe Robotlegs source wrapped in a Sprout::Specification for implementation into a sprou...
97,7220ripta-clamavClamAV Ruby binding. Based on project clamavr-0.2.0 http://raa.ruby-lang.org/project/cl...
97,7220monotesGitHub Issues commandline client
97,7220pinboard_toolsAuto-tagger with embedly support, safari reading list importer, dead link remover
97,7220iamSimple account switcher for Rails that automatically retrieves a few user accounts for ...
97,7220taskmapper-jiraInteract with Atlassian JIRA ticketing system from Ruby
97,7220rmm5t-sendgridThis gem allows simple integration between ActionMailer and SendGrid. ...
97,7220rotten-tomatoesAllows you to search and get information about movies from rottentomatoes.com. Organiz...
97,7220mit_stalkerFetches publicly available information about MIT students.