Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
183841-183860 of all 184,132 gems.
57,8430flickr-collageFinds the most interesting photos on flickr by given keywords and creates a photo colla...
57,8430haltStandard error handling for Rails applications. Inspired by a little method in Sinatra.
57,8430ensured_schemaSmarter migrations
57,8430castanautCastanaut lets you write executable scripts for screencasts.
57,8430dfectDfect is an assertion testing library for Ruby that emphasizes a simple assertion vocab...
57,8430syncassets_r2This rake task will update (delete and copy) all the files under the public directory t...
57,8430synqaSynqa syncs files from a local directory to a remote directory using an SSH connection....
57,8430dbd-sqliteSQLite 2.x DBI DBD
57,8430restoRestful Web Service
57,8430search_magicAdds scopes to a Mongoid document providing search and sort capabilities on arbitrary f...
57,8430git-dropboxGem mirrors your git repositorys in dropbox folder
57,8430tassadarPure ruby MPQ and SC2 Replay parser
57,8430MusicMasterCommand line tool handling steps to deliver music album masters from recordings. Handle...
57,8430nokogiri-fitzsimmonsNokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser. Among Nokogiri's many features...
57,8430mundo-pepinoMundoPepino is a set of reusable step definitions to test Rails apps with Cucumber
57,8430json_routesJsonRoutes takes the routes of the parent application and organizes them into a JSON ob...
57,8430rspec-bisectDetect order dependencies in rspec test suites. Also print the minimal set of tests to ...
57,8430dynamiqA dynamic priority queue extension for Sidekiq
57,8430ruboty-yoruboty plugin for yo.
57,8430swf_fileBased on the swfutil lib, by Dennis Zhuang, the SWF File is lightweight gem to read swf...