Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
1921-1940 of all 184,353 gems.
1,92110,059package_jsonThe missing gem for managing package.json files in Ruby
1,92210,051memeryMemery is a gem for memoization.
1,92310,049selectize-railsA small gem for putting selectize.js into the Rails asset pipeline
1,92410,025jenkins_api_clientThis is a simple and easy-to-use Jenkins Api client with features focused on automating...
1,92510,023exception_notificationException notification for Rails apps
1,92610,013gmail_xoauthGet access to Gmail IMAP and STMP via OAuth, using the standard Ruby Net libraries
1,92710,001filesizefilesize is a small class for handling filesizes with both the SI and binary prefixes, ...
1,9289,999opentelemetry-instrumentation-grufGruf instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework
1,9299,956rack-cacheRack::Cache is suitable as a quick drop-in component to enable HTTP caching for Rack-ba...
1,9309,948twitterA Ruby interface to the Twitter API.
1,9309,948inky-rbInky is an HTML-based templating language that converts simple HTML into complex, respo...
1,9329,932puma-plugin-statsdSend puma metrics to statsd via a background thread
1,9329,932foundation_emailsFoundation for Emails (previously known as Ink) is a framework for creating responsive ...
1,9349,903aws-sdk-iotmanagedintegrationsOfficial AWS Ruby gem for Managed integrations for AWS IoT Device Management. This gem ...
1,9359,889json_api_clientBuild client libraries compliant with specification defined by jsonapi.org
1,9369,829fluent-plugin-out-httpA generic Fluentd output plugin to send logs to an HTTP endpoint
1,9379,816snifferAnalyze HTTP Requests
1,9389,799prometheusA lightweight layer above Thor to quickly create beautiful command-line interfaces.
1,9399,759rails_12factorRun Rails the 12factor way
1,9409,753lefthookA single dependency-free binary to manage all your git hooks that works with any langua...