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At we provide a rich set of high quality, real-time, raw & augmented blockchain data. Web3api enables you to easily gain access to this data. You can access the data in different ways: REST - Access comprehensive historical data with our RESTful APIs, designed for seamless integration and retrieval of extensive time-series information. Websockets - Connect to our Websockets API for instantaneous, real-time data streaming, ensuring minimal latency for dynamic and responsive applications. FIX - Leverage the robustness of the FIX protocol to obtain reliable and secure Market Data, facilitating swift and standardized financial information exchange. RPC - Utilize our RPC interface for direct and efficient queries to our blockchain nodes, offering you unfettered access to decentralized data with precision. Amazon S3 - Access and download vast archives of historical data, systematically organized and delivered daily in the highly efficient Apache Parquet format via Amazon S3. Snowflake - Harness the power of Snowflake for dynamic data analysis within a cloud-native platform, offering advanced SQL querying capabilities and seamless scalability. BigQuery - Utilize BigQuery for comprehensive data analysis, leveraging Google's advanced infrastructure and smart analytics with interactive SQL queries.


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