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= TMail Mikel Lindsaar maintainer Trans assitant developer Minero Aoki original developer == NOTE: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! THIS IS A FORK OF TMAIL HACKED TOGETHER TO WORK WITH RUBY 1.9.1 ! ! USE AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! == DESCRIPTION: TMail is a mail handling library for Ruby. It abstracts a mail message into a usable object allowing you to read, set, add and delete headers and the mail body. TMail is used by the Ruby on Rails web framework as the Email abstraction layer for their ActionMailer module. It is also used by the Nitro framework and many other applications on and off the web. The goal of the TMail handling library is to be able to parse and handle raw Email sources and produce RFC compliant Emails as a result. If you find something that TMail does that violates an RFC, we want to know and we'll get it fixed fast. == DOCUMENTATION: The place you will want to look first is the TMail::Mail class. This has the vast majority of methods you will be using to talk to your TMail object. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: TMail is fairly RFC compliant on the handling of emails. There are also some problems in the header handling, but for 99.9% of email, you will be fine. Usually, the problems revolve around parsing incomming emails and making sense of them. I really welcome any examples of Emails that "didn't work" with TMail so I can use them as test cases. == SYNOPSIS: TMail is very easy to use. You simply require the library and then pass a raw email text message into the TMail::Mail.parse method. This returns a TMail::Mail object which you can now query and run methods against to modify, inspect or add to the Email. You can find almost all of the methods that you will use to talk to and update a TMail instance in the TMail::Mail class. I am constantly updating this code, with comments, added a fair...


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