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# foundationallib

Finally, a cross-platform, portable, well-designed, secure, robust, maximally-efficient C foundational library — Making Engineering And Computing Fast, Secure, Responsive And Easy.

  • Enables better Engineering Solutions and Security broadly and foundationally where Software Creation or Development or Script Creation is concerned - whether this be on a local, business, governmental or international basis, and makes things easier - and Computing in General. Don't Reinvent the Wheel - Use Good Wheels - Be Safe And Secure.

  • Enables a free-flowing dynamic computer usage that you need, deserve and should have, simply because you have a computer. With full speed and with robustness. You deserve to be able to use your computer wholly and fully, with proper and fast operations.

  • Enables flexibility and power - makes C accessible to the masses (and faster and more secure) with easy usage and strives to bring people up, not degrade the character or actions of people. This is a fundamental and unequivocal philosophy difference between this library and many subsections of Software Engineering and the mainstream engineering establishment. For instance, in Python, you cannot read a file easily – you have to read it line-by-line or open a file, read the lines, then close it. With this library, you can efficiently read 10,000 files in one function call. This library gives power. Any common operation, there ought to be a powerful function for.

    We should not bitch around with assembly when we don't want to; we should also have full speed. Some old "solutions" deliver neither, then culturally degrade programmers because their tools are bad - actually, it just degrades programmers, and gives them bad tools. COBOL is an example ...

    Human technology is about empowerment – people must fight for it to be empowerment, we don't have time to have AI systems kill us because ...


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