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Spending hours in the rails console? Spruce it up and show off those hard-working hands! jazz_hands replaces IRB with Pry, improves output through awesome_print, and has some other goodies up its sleeves.
Ranking: 12,083 of 184,472
Downloads: 175,528
Ranking: 25,080 of 184,458
Downloads: 17
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
23,522 | 57,364 | headhunter |
38,130 | 29,506 | active_model_validators_ex |
45,412 | 23,479 | active_poro |
46,903 | 22,487 | bebox |
89,416 | 8,817 | webtractor |
90,769 | 8,594 | RubyGemsApi |
143,963 | 3,713 | grape-active_model_serializers-revibe |
148,426 | 3,525 | github_score |
Depends on
Rank | Downloads | Name |
43 | 586,947,191 | railties |
68 | 493,065,074 | pry |
157 | 246,524,194 | awesome_print |
206 | 184,434,540 | pry-rails |
986 | 41,044,341 | pry-stack_explorer |
1,035 | 37,642,907 | pry-doc |
1,272 | 28,618,226 | pry-remote |
1,326 | 26,476,597 | hirb |
3,057 | 4,088,106 | coolline |
4,137 | 1,906,146 | pry-debugger |
6,375 | 669,956 | pry-git |
# | Gravatar | Handle |
1 | nixme |