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minitest-global_expectations allows you to keep using simple code in your
minitest specs, without having to wrap every single object you are calling
an expectation method on with an underscore.
Ranking: 14,167 of 184,150
Downloads: 129,075
Ranking: 9,089 of 184,132
Downloads: 107
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
9 | 1,015,767,171 | rack |
37 | 614,123,094 | rack-test |
80 | 430,132,184 | erubi |
773 | 57,110,935 | sequel |
865 | 47,628,520 | rack-session |
871 | 47,241,220 | warning |
1,894 | 11,731,457 | roda |
1,903 | 11,634,751 | american_date |
1,988 | 10,392,023 | minitest-hooks |
3,995 | 2,044,814 | message_bus |
6,884 | 550,401 | sequel-annotate |
7,175 | 495,844 | rodauth |
7,768 | 437,232 | rack-unreloader |
8,628 | 343,431 | sequel_postgresql_triggers |
10,228 | 241,360 | minitest-parallel_fork |
11,923 | 178,089 | fixture_dependencies |
14,732 | 120,168 | camping |
15,994 | 103,876 | forme |
19,721 | 73,777 | autoforme |
25,862 | 49,763 | refrigerator |
Depends on
Rank | Downloads | Name |
19 | 936,454,407 | minitest |
# | Gravatar | Handle |
1 | jeremyevans |