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Molder is a handy command line tool for generating and running (in parallel, using a pool of processes with a configurable size) a set of related and yet
different commands. A YAML file defines both the attributes and the command
template, and Molder then merges the two with CLI arguments to give you a
consistent set of commands for, eg. provisioning thousands of virtual hosts in a cloud. The gem is not limnited to any particular cloud, tool, or a command, and can be used across various domains to generate a consistent set of commands based on the YAML-supplied attributes and templates, that might
vary across custom dimensions. For example, you could generate 600 provisioning commands for hosts in EC2, numbered from 1 to 100, but constrained to the zones "a", "b", "c", and data centers "dc" (values: ['us-west2', 'us-east1' ]). Behind the scenes Molder uses another Ruby gem Parallel — for actually running
the provisioning commands.
Ranking: 113,365 of 184,472
Downloads: 5,820
Ranking: 71,169 of 184,458
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