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Ranking: 9,317 of 184,013
Downloads: 292,385
Ranking: 41,985 of 184,004
Downloads: 2
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
Depends on
Rank | Downloads | Name |
1 | 2,524,867,301 | bundler |
9 | 1,010,149,288 | rack |
41 | 584,927,995 | rails |
61 | 499,304,530 | sprockets |
104 | 350,174,332 | pg |
184 | 205,793,676 | kaminari |
225 | 164,719,060 | omniauth |
290 | 131,383,343 | sassc-rails |
295 | 128,312,698 | turbolinks |
373 | 102,509,993 | rails-i18n |
432 | 87,056,359 | rqrcode |
607 | 72,802,095 | webdrivers |
702 | 63,459,491 | wicked_pdf |
797 | 53,905,654 | wkhtmltopdf-binary |
1,166 | 30,557,024 | momentjs-rails |
1,242 | 28,515,802 | mini_racer |
3,469 | 2,886,197 | nprogress-rails |
4,382 | 1,600,747 | font_awesome5_rails |
9,853 | 260,100 | bootstrap5-kaminari-views |
11,821 | 179,805 | mumuki-domain |
# | Gravatar | Handle |
1 | flbulgarelli | |
2 | luchotc | |
3 | julian-berbel |