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The Postman API enables you to programmatically access data stored in your Postman account. For a comprehensive set of examples of requests and responses, see the [**Postman API** collection]( ## Important - You must pass an `Accept` header with the `application/vnd.api.v10+json` value to use v10 and higher endpoints. While some of these endpoints may appear the same as the deprecated Postman v9 endpoints, they will use the v10 behavior when you send this `Accept` header. For more information, see [About v9 and v10 APIs]( - To use the **API** endpoints, you must first [update your APIs to the v10 format]( ## Getting started You can get started with the Postman API by [forking the Postman API collection]( to your workspace. You can then use Postman to send requests. ## About the Postman API - You must use a valid API Key to send requests to the API endpoints. - The API has [rate and usage limits]( - The API only responds to HTTPS-secured communications. Any requests sent via HTTP return an HTTP `301` redirect to the corresponding HTTPS resources. - The API returns requests responses in [JSON format]( When an API request returns an error, it is sent in the JSON response as an error key. - The request method (verb) determines the nature of action you intend to perform. A request made using the `GET` method implies that you want to fetch something from Postman. The `POST` method implies you want to save something new to Postman. -...


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