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README ====== This is a simple API to evaluate information retrieval results. It allows you to load ranked and unranked query results and calculate various evaluation metrics (precision, recall, MAP, kappa) against a previously loaded gold standard. Start this program from the command line with: retreval -l -q -f -o The options are outlined when you pass no arguments and just call retreval You will find further information in the RDOC documentation and the HOWTO section below. If you want to see an example, use this command: retreval -l example/gold_standard.yml -q example/query_results.yml -f yaml -v INSTALLATION ============ If you have RubyGems, just run gem install retreval You can manually download the sources and build the Gem from there by `cd`ing to the folder where this README is saved and calling gem build retreval.gemspec This will create a gem file called which you just have to install with `gem install ` and you're done. HOWTO ===== This API supports the following evaluation tasks: - Loading a Gold Standard that takes a set of documents, queries and corresponding judgements of relevancy (i.e. "Is this document relevant for this query?") - Calculation of the _kappa measure_ for the given gold standard - Loading ranked or unranked query results for a certain query - Calculation of _precision_ and _recall_ for each result - Calculation of the _F-measure_ for weighing precision and recall - Calculation of _mean average precision_ for multiple query results - Calculation of the _11-point precision_ and _average precision_ for ranked query results - Printing of summary tables and results Typically, you will want to use this Gem either standalone or within another application's context. Standalone Usage ================ Call parameters --------------- After installing the Gem (see INSTALLATION), you can always call `retreval` from the commandline. The typical call is: retreval -l


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