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checks if expected adheres to specified json schema document. document can
be another object or name of a file containing it.
Ranking: 123,753 of 184,524
Downloads: 4,808
Ranking: 129,735 of 184,512
Downloads: 0
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
Depends on
Rank | Downloads | Name |
10 | 1,012,800,719 | rake |
26 | 847,931,756 | rspec |
62 | 514,237,449 | rubocop |
68 | 493,942,332 | pry |
89 | 403,453,378 | rb-fsevent |
169 | 228,239,726 | pry-byebug |
290 | 134,368,173 | json-schema |
387 | 101,582,527 | guard-rspec |
426 | 90,443,343 | terminal-notifier |
986 | 41,088,746 | pry-stack_explorer |
1,273 | 28,640,374 | pry-remote |
1,371 | 24,529,006 | pry-rescue |
1,686 | 16,105,711 | codeclimate-test-reporter |
2,000 | 10,491,421 | terminal-notifier-guard |
9,447 | 289,991 | gemsmith |
10,328 | 240,415 | pry-state |
33,404 | 35,247 | rspec-matcher |
# | Gravatar | Handle |
1 | pekhee |