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A client library for the Kafka distributed commit log.
Ranking: 654 of 184,150
Downloads: 69,378,125
Ranking: 941 of 184,132
Downloads: 29,826
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
1,123 | 32,431,439 | fluent-plugin-kafka |
1,929 | 11,177,723 | delivery_boy |
3,149 | 3,681,297 | logstash-integration-kafka |
5,265 | 1,058,821 | phobos |
11,446 | 192,564 | deimos-ruby |
13,465 | 142,063 | farmstead |
19,681 | 73,981 | jwt_auth_token |
20,308 | 70,705 | ocular |
21,437 | 65,141 | fluent-plugin-kafka-enchanced |
27,296 | 46,088 | messaging |
32,540 | 36,201 | roched-fluent-plugin-kafka |
37,931 | 29,535 | messaging-stash |
46,276 | 22,773 | kafka_session |
50,498 | 20,199 | bps-kafka |
52,735 | 19,032 | kril |
59,792 | 16,117 | ruby-kafka-ec2 |
70,501 | 12,740 | deimos-kafka |
71,622 | 12,431 | octocore |
79,233 | 10,710 | kafka_replicator |
79,547 | 10,641 | madhawk57-log |
Depends on
Rank | Downloads | Name |
1 | 2,540,947,126 | bundler |
7 | 1,032,738,617 | activesupport |
10 | 996,354,771 | rake |
26 | 838,840,506 | rspec |
62 | 502,669,999 | rubocop |
68 | 485,924,668 | pry |
90 | 386,549,933 | dotenv |
178 | 216,301,191 | timecop |
179 | 214,102,753 | digest-crc |
190 | 201,332,528 | rspec_junit_formatter |
342 | 109,476,628 | colored |
354 | 107,116,202 | statsd-ruby |
393 | 97,651,692 | stackprof |
406 | 94,785,175 | dogstatsd-ruby |
592 | 74,297,629 | ruby-prof |
624 | 72,317,446 | docker-api |
868 | 47,362,124 | gssapi |
930 | 42,976,795 | prometheus-client |
1,409 | 22,600,405 | rspec-benchmark |
1,802 | 13,354,556 | snappy |
# | Gravatar | Handle |
1 | zendesk |