Categories: None [Edit]
This plugin provides native Redis instrumentation
for monitoring and metrics collection, including:
service health, database connectivity, replication
status, `INFO` metrics, key counts, list lengths,
and more.
Ranking: 5,384 of 184,150
Downloads: 1,000,798
Ranking: 14,782 of 184,132
Downloads: 22
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
Depends on
Rank | Downloads | Name |
1 | 2,540,947,126 | bundler |
10 | 996,354,771 | rake |
26 | 838,840,506 | rspec |
62 | 502,669,999 | rubocop |
68 | 485,924,668 | pry |
72 | 460,123,018 | redis |
226 | 165,241,344 | yard |
401 | 96,474,155 | redcarpet |
604 | 73,313,719 | mixlib-shellout |
935 | 42,796,774 | serverspec |
1,192 | 30,145,938 | github-markup |
1,610 | 17,313,929 | sensu-plugin |
2,206 | 8,136,723 | test-kitchen |
3,243 | 3,433,949 | kitchen-docker |
24,606 | 53,427 | kitchen-localhost |
# | Gravatar | Handle |
1 | majormoses |