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$Id: README.txt 204 2010-11-30 02:20:04Z pwilkins $ sm-transcript reads results of SLS processing and produces transcripts for the SpokenMedia browser. For each file in the source folder whose extension matches the source type, a file of destination type is created in the destination folder. All of these parameters have default values. Note: Examples of the commands you enter in the terminal are for *nix. The command prompt in the examples is: felix$ If you are a Windows user, make the usual adjustments. Requirements: sm-transcript is written in Ruby and packaged as a RubyGem. Since Ruby is not a compiled language, you will need to have Ruby installed on your machine to run sm-transcript. You can determine if Ruby is installed by typing "ruby -v" at a terminal prompt. It should return the version of Ruby that is installed. If Ruby is not installed on your machine, navigate to and follow the installation instructions. sm-transcript was developed using Ruby 1.8. Other Ruby versions have not been tested as of this release. Installation: You can get sm-transcript as either a RubyGem or as source from svn. The preferred way to install this package is as a Rubygem. You can download and install the gem with this command: felix$ sudo gem install [--verbose] sm-transcript This command downloads the most recent version of the gem from and makes it active. Previous versions of the gem remain installed, but are deactivated. You must use "sudo" to properly install the gem. If you execute "gem install" (omitting the "sudo") the gem is installed in your home gem repository and it isn't in your path without additional configuration. Note: You need sudo privileges to run the command as written. If you can't sudo, then you can install it locally and will need some additional configuration. Contact me (or your local Ruby wizard) for assistance. The ...


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