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Preprocessor for Coffeescript with React JSX (CJSX).
This gem makes it easy to integrate this into the Rails asset pipeline or other Sprockets chains.
If you want to use CJSX without Sprockets, see the coffee-react gem, or the coffee-react npm module.
Ranking: 8,803 of 184,512
Downloads: 334,670
Ranking: 10,754 of 184,502
Downloads: 47
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
73,655 | 11,974 | revelry_content |
75,766 | 11,507 | big_query_log_viewer |
143,616 | 3,728 | middleman-blog-ui |
Depends on
Rank | Downloads | Name |
36 | 624,501,613 | tilt |
63 | 507,290,107 | sprockets |
168 | 229,332,384 | coffee-script |
6,711 | 596,696 | coffee-react |
# | Gravatar | Handle |
1 | jsdf |