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## Studio Game Demo App I made this app following along with The Pragmatic Studio's Ruby course found here: ## Install the gem I published the gem for this app on In order to install it, run `gem install studio_game_dylan_attal-1.0.0.gem` ## Run the app In order to run the app run the following command `studio_game` ## Summary This is a console app that simulates a game. Players are loaded from the `players.csv` file be default. Each player has a name and a starting health value, i.e.: `Larry,100` If the user wants, they can provide a different CSV file to load the players. For example, I've provided a file `my_favorite_players.csv` as an alternate list of players. The user should provide the file like so `studio_game bin/my_favorite_players.csv` Before the game is played, the user gets to decide how many rounds to play. At this point, the user can also terminate the program by typing in `quit` or `exit`: `How many game rounds? ('quit to exit')` Once the user provides the number of rounds, the game is played automatically. The user then sees 1. Which players are involved ``` There are 5 players in Knuckleheads: I'm Boba with a health = 100, points = 0, and score = 100. I'm Jango with a health = 90, points = 0, and score = 90. I'm Din with a health = 80, points = 0, and score = 80. I'm Klutz with a health = 105, points = 0, and score = 105. I'm Berserker with a health = 50, points = 0, and score = 50. ``` 2. Which treasures there are to find ``` There are 6 treasures to be found: A pie is worth 5 A bottle is worth 25 A hammer is worth 50 A skillet is worth 100 A broomstick is worth 200 A crowbar is worth 400 ``` 3. The results of each round ``` Round 1 Rolled a 3 (StudioGame::Die) Rolled a 4 (StudioGame::Die) Boba has been skipped Boba found a skillet worth 100 points. Boba's treasures: {:skillet=>100} I'm Boba with a health = 100, points = 100, and score = 200. Rolled a 3 (StudioGame::Die) Rolled a 2 (StudioGame::Die) Jango got blammed!...


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