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Easy split testing and feature flagging for Rails with TestTrack server
Ranking: 6,753 of 184,150
Downloads: 577,749
Ranking: 12,697 of 184,132
Downloads: 36
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
Depends on
Rank | Downloads | Name |
21 | 913,193,991 | faraday |
23 | 896,150,211 | multi_json |
25 | 850,102,768 | public_suffix |
33 | 650,493,454 | activemodel |
43 | 578,662,973 | railties |
60 | 505,321,958 | activejob |
73 | 450,409,330 | sprockets-rails |
75 | 448,031,572 | zeitwerk |
99 | 364,052,764 | simplecov |
100 | 360,850,801 | faraday_middleware |
116 | 308,401,122 | rspec-rails |
120 | 301,702,309 | webmock |
145 | 259,703,007 | request_store |
178 | 216,301,191 | timecop |
192 | 200,817,086 | shoulda-matchers |
205 | 181,731,067 | pry-rails |
264 | 145,799,619 | rails-controller-testing |
1,647 | 16,588,437 | mixpanel-ruby |
2,084 | 9,239,185 | appraisal |
8,783 | 330,995 | betterlint |
# | Gravatar | Handle |
1 | jmileham | |
2 | samandmoore | |
3 | aburgel | |
4 | smudge | |
5 | chukkwagon |