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Wrong provides a general assert method that takes a predicate block. Assertion failure
messages are rich in detail. The Wrong idea is to replace all those countless assert_this,
assert_that library methods which only exist to give a more useful failure message than
"assertion failed". Wrong replaces all of them in one fell swoop, since if you can write it
in Ruby, Wrong can make a sensible failure message out of it. Also provided are several
helper methods, like rescuing, capturing, and d.
Ranking: 6,954 of 184,150
Downloads: 535,374
Ranking: 10,049 of 184,132
Downloads: 77
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
8,158 | 389,600 | erector |
11,679 | 185,004 | transit-ruby |
14,642 | 121,663 | minigit |
16,841 | 94,933 | sir_trevor_rails |
18,838 | 79,373 | sinatra-synchrony |
21,563 | 64,560 | active_mailer |
26,060 | 49,245 | active_column |
28,172 | 44,092 | erector-rails4 |
29,554 | 41,171 | psql |
31,775 | 37,447 | vendorificator |
31,931 | 37,175 | tutum |
37,576 | 29,886 | docker_cloud |
43,920 | 24,454 | salesmachine-ruby |
47,506 | 21,982 | factor-connector-rackspace |
50,601 | 20,147 | translations |
53,246 | 18,771 | trickery |
62,637 | 15,114 | hamster-the-process-watcher |
64,644 | 14,470 | knife-dns-update |
65,619 | 14,143 | cant |
65,622 | 14,142 | factor-connector-github |
Depends on
Rank | Downloads | Name |
12 | 977,904,306 | diff-lcs |
292 | 130,850,374 | sexp_processor |
307 | 122,975,045 | ruby_parser |
1,629 | 16,958,246 | ruby2ruby |
7,516 | 458,098 | predicated |
# | Gravatar | Handle |
1 | sconoversf | |
2 | alexch |