1 | 17,364 | 74,510 | sassy | Generate SCSS with Ruby. |
2 | 20,517 | 20,264 | ivo | Library for creating immutable value objects (IVO) |
3 | 25,784 | 74,510 | scintillation | A flash messages replacement |
4 | 26,756 | 74,510 | cal | A low level calendar engine. |
5 | 33,113 | 33,946 | t12n | Data transformation |
6 | 34,670 | 74,510 | basic_tree | A basic tree structure. |
7 | 45,341 | 20,264 | zenv | Simple and flexible approach to loading environment variables. |
8 | 46,227 | 24,241 | poser | A minimal implementation of the presenter pattern. |
9 | 59,398 | 20,264 | icy | A toolkit of classes and methods |
10 | 61,725 | 74,510 | captivus | Captivus client gem |
11 | 62,393 | 74,510 | chatbox | Simple messaging system. |
12 | 64,775 | 74,510 | tags | A Ruby object with the behavior of a list of tags. |
13 | 74,423 | 33,946 | mtg | Objects such as cards, colors, mana costs, etc relating to the Magic, The Gathering tra... |
14 | 74,702 | 74,510 | fone | Various phone number related methods and info |
15 | 91,075 | 74,510 | captivus-auth_hmac | HMAC based authentication for HTTP |
16 | 104,471 | 74,510 | validates_immutability | Validations for making ActiveRecord objects immutable. |
17 | 138,383 | 74,510 | hangman-game | Hangman engine |
18 | 157,981 | 74,510 | master | Simplified, abstract database. |
19 | 170,364 | 47,329 | qry | https://github.com/austinthecoder/qry |
20 | 173,708 | 74,510 | lyst | Historical to-do list CLI |
21 | 174,799 | 74,510 | thicc | Thicc |