1 | 27,858 | 14,676 | light-services | Streamlined Service Object Implementation for Ruby and Rails |
2 | 43,001 | 43,399 | drape | Drape adds an object-oriented layer of presentation logic to your Rails apps. |
3 | 59,685 | 53,730 | light-decorator | Light pattern Decorator for Rails from Light Ruby |
4 | 151,389 | 53,730 | differin | Diff files with multiple engines and renderers. |
5 | 158,875 | 53,730 | differin-renderers-text | Render diff of files as text |
6 | 177,056 | 18,954 | solid_queue_dashboard | Dashboard for Solid Queue |
7 | 180,641 | 82,167 | phlex-lucide | Lucide Icons for Phlex |