Bricesanchez's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,69721,627refinerycmsA Ruby on Rails CMS that supports Rails 5.1. It's developer friendly and easy to extend.
27,36123,402refinerycms-coreThe core of Refinery CMS. This handles the common functionality and is required by most...
37,42925,716refinerycms-pagesThe default content extension of Refinery CMS. This extension handles the administratio...
47,46025,716refinerycms-imagesHandles all image upload and processing functionality in Refinery CMS.
57,46733,893refinerycms-resourcesHandles all file upload and processing functionality in Refinery CMS.
612,54861,367refinerycms-blogA really straightforward open source Ruby on Rails blog engine designed for integration...
717,7817,775stimulusjs-railsA simple asset-pipeline wrapper for Stimulus.js by Brice Sanchez
819,80641,086refinerycms-authentication-deviseA Devise authentication extension for Refinery CMS
940,52061,367graphql-authGraphQL + JWT + Devise
1060,26261,367refinerycms-jobsOpen source Ruby on Rails jobs engine designed for integration with Refinery CMS.
1182,70961,367cangarooCangaroo helps developers integrating their apps with any service
12104,20461,367refinerycms-retailersRuby on Rails Retailers extension for Refinery CMS
13169,86561,367refinerycms-teamsRuby on Rails Team extension for Refinery CMS
14173,08761,367refinerycms-api-wrapperInteract with Refinery CMS API using this awesome gem.
15173,60261,367refinerycms-apiRefinery CMS's API