Shurik_sh's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,94712,408influxerInfluxDB the Rails way
219,34411,530amorailRuby API client for AmoCRM. You can integrate your system with it.
359,63786,038clickmeetingsSimple REST API client for ClickMeetings Private Label and Open API
475,77786,038dellin_info_apiGem implements the methods of public api site
5129,81286,038api_utilsUtils which helps transform keys for external api
6160,13686,038rubocop-teachbaseTeachbase style rules
7173,20586,038module_pos-fiscalizationAPI wrapper for Module Bank POS
8174,77386,038ruby-pomodoroCLI pomodoro-tracker
9180,87342,025sms_aero2Simple gem for API.