Kovyrin's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,00166,923db-charmerDbCharmer is a Rails plugin (and gem) that could be used to manage AR model connections...
223,00266,923loopsLoops is a small and lightweight framework for Ruby on Rails, Merb and other ruby frame...
331,72726,806magic_enumMagicEnum is a simple ActiveRecord plugin that makes it easier to maintain ENUM-like at...
441,38866,923unicorn-ctlA script to control unicorn instances.
5114,10066,923git-binary-cacheGit-Based Binary Files Cache
6121,77866,923htcpThis simple library implements HTCP protocol (www.htcp.org/) and could be used in any R...
7136,12966,923force-utcProcesses using this gem will use UTC for all date and time operations no matter what t...