Voxpupuli's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1290272json-schemaRuby JSON Schema Validator
21,5882,400puppet-syntaxSyntax checks for Puppet manifests and templates
31,9452,472hiera-eyamlHiera backend for decrypting encrypted yaml properties
42,0982,618metadata-json-lintUtility to verify Puppet metadata.json files
52,1762,332facterdbContains facts from many Facter version on many Operating Systems
62,2812,826rspec-puppet-factsContains facts from many Facter version on many Operating Systems
72,4233,953librarian-puppetSimplify deployment of your Puppet infrastructure by automatically pulling in modules...
82,6123,857librarianpA Framework for Bundlers, used by librarian-puppet.
92,7213,352puppet-lint-unquoted_string-checkA puppet-lint plugin to check that selectors and case statements cases are quoted.
102,7383,937beakerPuppet's accceptance testing harness
112,8743,398puppet-lint-leading_zero-checkA puppet-lint plugin to check for unquoted numbers with leading zero.
123,0653,407puppet-lint-absolute_classname-checkA puppet-lint plugin to check that classes are not included or referenced by their abso...
133,0964,485beaker-rspecRSpec bindings for beaker, see https://github.com/voxpupuli/beaker
143,1054,017beaker-hostgeneratorThe beaker-hostgenerator tool will take a Beaker SUT (System Under Test) spec as its fi...
153,1183,484puppet-blacksmithPuppet module tools for development and Puppet Forge management
163,2023,459puppet-lint-trailing_comma-checkA puppet-lint plugin to check for missing trailing commas.
173,2533,255puppet-lint-variable_contains_upcaseExtends puppet-lint to ensure that your variables are all lower case
183,6313,581puppet-lint-param-docsA new check for puppet-lint that validates all parameters are documented.
193,6655,621beaker-hieraFor use for the Beaker acceptance testing tool
203,7013,666puppet-lint-version_comparison-checkA puppet-lint plugin to check for versions compared as numbers.
213,8784,970beaker-puppetFor use for the Beaker acceptance testing tool
223,9873,720puppet-lint-file_ensure-checkA puppet-lint plugin to check the ensure attribute on file resources.
234,2568,609puppet-lint-empty_string-checkA puppet-lint plugin to check for variables assigned to the empty string.
244,36111,736hiera-eyaml-gpgGPG encryptor for use with hiera-eyaml
254,4004,608beaker-dockerAllows running Beaker tests using Docker
264,4093,647puppet-lint-resource_reference_syntaxExtends puppet-lint to ensure that the reference syntax follows Puppet 4 style
274,4873,645puppet-lint-strict_indent-checkExtends puppet-lint to ensure that your manifests follow a strict indentation pattern.
284,4935,149puppet-lint-classes_and_types_beginning_with_digits-checkA puppet-lint plugin to check for classes and defined types that contain names beginnin...
294,5349,530puppet-lint-undef_in_function-checkA puppet-lint plugin to check for undef in function calls.
304,6334,975beaker-vagrantFor use for the Beaker acceptance testing tool
314,7936,378onceoverAutomatically generates tests for your Puppet code
325,1917,455puppet-lint-spaceship_operator_without_tag-checkA puppet-lint plugin to check that spaceship operator is called with a tag.
335,9508,985beaker-awsFor use for the Beaker acceptance testing tool
346,0699,296beaker-openstackFor use for the Beaker acceptance testing tool
356,0916,676beaker-module_install_helperA helper gem for use in a Puppet Modules spec_helper_acceptance.rb file to help install...
366,0923,868puppet-lint-topscope-variable-checkA puppet-lint plugin to check that topscope variable names don't start with ::.
376,0957,009ra10keR10K and Puppetfile rake tasks
386,1329,156beaker-vmwareFor use for the Beaker acceptance testing tool
396,1379,676beaker-googleGoogle Compute Engine support for the Beaker acceptance testing tool.
406,2359,113beaker-vcloudFor use for the Beaker acceptance testing tool
416,2473,901puppet-lint-anchor-checkA check for puppet-lint that validates no anchor resources are used
426,2623,819puppet-lint-manifest_whitespace-checkA new check for puppet-lint that validates generic whitespace issues in manifests.
436,7043,932puppet-lint-param-typesA new check for puppet-lint that validates that all parameters are typed.
447,3013,978voxpupuli-puppet-lint-pluginsA package that depends on all the puppet-lint-* gems Vox Pupuli modules need and puppet...
457,3734,023puppet-lint-params_empty_string-checkA puppet-lint plugin to check for class parameters assigned to the empty string.
467,4484,047puppet-lint-lookup_in_parameter-checkCheck lookup is not used in parameters
477,5464,034puppet-lint-optional_default-checkA puppet-lint plugin to check that Optional class/defined type parameters don't default...
487,7956,555puppetdb-rubySimple Ruby client library for PuppetDB API
497,9855,614voxpupuli-acceptanceA package that depends on all the gems Vox Pupuli modules need and methods to simplify ...
508,26685,863puppet-lint-appends-checkA puppet-lint plugin to check that the appends operator (+=) is not used (removed in Pu...
5110,1856,151voxpupuli-testA package that depends on all the gems Vox Pupuli modules need and methods to simplify ...
5210,5658,876puppet-ghostbusterTry and find dead code in Puppet receipts
5314,2236,536puppet_metadataA package that provides abstractions for the Puppet Metadata
5419,54438,253modulesyncUtility to synchronize common files across puppet modules in Github.
5520,3728,396voxpupuli-releaseHelpers for deploying Vox Pupuli modules
5624,1146,419beaker_puppet_helpersFor use for the Beaker acceptance testing tool
5741,68885,863puppet_webhookSinatra Webhook Server for Puppet/R10K
5897,77834,713beaker-gkeAdd GKE support to Beaker acceptance testing tool
5998,58415,860voxpupuli-rubocopUsed in Vox Pupuli gems to configure RuboCop in a unified and centralised way
60106,53785,863puppet-lint-reference_on_declaration_outside_of_class-checkExtends puppet-lint to ensure that a reference is made only on a declaration within the...
61114,98629,768voxpupuli-gem-workflow-testWithin Voxpupuli there are a lot of repositories maintained by various people. That req...
62179,42649,460beaker-hcloudAnother gem that extends beaker