Colszowka's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
198125simplecovCode coverage for Ruby with a powerful configuration library and automatic merging of c...
2102118simplecov-htmlDefault HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool for ruby 2.4+
31,5222,167phantomjsAuto-install phantomjs on demand for current platform. Comes with poltergeist integration.
419,74661,367seriousSerious is a simple, file-driven blog engine inspired by toto and driven by sinatra wit...
520,18713,506devise-scryptA devise-encryptable password encryptor that uses SCrypt
620,84261,367communicatorData push/pull between apps with local inbound/outbound queue and easy publish/process ...
723,85161,367punchcardSimple sinatra/activerecord based app for tracking time when people have been in the of...
824,91961,367redirect_followerAllows you to resolve redirecting urls (i.e. from url-shortening services like ...
930,42461,367capita_gitGit-automation tool for quick handling of common patterns for feature and fix branches
1036,77961,367transactionataTransactionata: Transactional dynamic test data for Rails Tests. Set up your models and...
1140,88841,086publish_to_webHandle Protonet PublishToWeb Connection
1244,97161,367github_metadataExtracts additional information like amount of committers, issues and wiki pages from G...
1349,57561,367rack-fontserveSinatra app for serving web fonts easily with proper caching and access-control headers
1451,00761,367business_time-dePre-configures business_time gem for german holidays from 2000 until 2035
1557,17161,367first_github_commitFind the first commit for a given github repository and return the API info about it
1661,09023,402metapageExtract metadata about a given HTML url from open graph and regular meta tags
1764,06641,086stupid_formatterA stupid formatter for piping text through markup processors with a unified API
1871,06161,367html_page_titleRetrieve the page title for a given url using redirect_follower and hpricot ruby gems
1972,97861,367xbmc-clientA simple API client for the XBMC Media Center JSON-RPC API
2073,60461,367rvm-completionbash completion for Ruby Version Manager including installed rubies and gemsets for cur...
2190,99429,456platform-skvsA simple ruby client for Experimental Platform's SKVS service
22109,62361,367rubytoolbox-apiA simple, dependency-free API client for The Ruby Toolbox
23118,68561,367hashie-lazy_trashAn extended version of Hashie::Trash
24122,54141,086looprunlooprun is a simple script to repeatedly execute shell commands after they exit - for e...
25126,33461,367twitter_friendsA simple gem to find retrieve all people a specified Twitter user is following
26131,02261,367tracker-hook-forwarderA simple rack app that acts as an Activity Web Hook endpoint to Pivotal Tracker and for...