Hex0cter's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
145,49359,086yaml-sugarRead yaml files recursively from a given directory and return an OpenStruct
249,22859,086yaml-ostructRead yaml files recursively from a given directory and return an OpenStruct retaining t...
352,41659,086clavatarApply a hash into a Ruby class and return an instance of it.
487,47159,086jenkins-centaurStart jenkins jobs in batch from command line
5109,55859,086git-shuffleA CLI tool to shuffle the commit date of your git repository
6111,19759,086hash2objApply a hash into a Ruby object and return another instance of the same class using the...
7150,64259,086git-amendA CLI tool to update the information of exisiting git commit, such as commit date, auth...
8168,02059,086lizhi-fmComamnd line tool to download your favourite mp3 from lizhi.fm.