1 | 4,624 | 4,605 | trix-rails | A rich text editor for everyday writing |
2 | 5,466 | 2,578 | pay | Stripe, Paddle, and Braintree payments for Ruby on Rails apps |
3 | 10,172 | 3,056 | stimulus_reflex_testing | Write a longer description or delete this line. |
4 | 110,667 | 41,086 | bank_teller | A subscription billing interface modeled after Laravel Cashier |
5 | 116,683 | 41,086 | drumpf | MemphisRuby attempt at creating a gem, okay. |
6 | 134,555 | 41,086 | font_awesome_list | Access a full list of Font Awesome icons. |
7 | 156,855 | 61,367 | track_bed | Combination of modules for Rails. |
8 | 163,199 | 61,367 | route_bound | Implicit model binding for Ruby on Rails, based on Laravel's implicit model binding. |
9 | 166,189 | 61,367 | andrew_says | The 'Simon says' of Andrew Fomera's love of Minitest |
10 | 172,793 | 61,367 | to_jason | It's hard to not type 'jason' when you mean 'json' and your name is Jason. |