1 | 34,543 | 22,512 | hector | A private group chat server for people you trust. Implements a limited subset of the IR... |
2 | 53,675 | 28,793 | hector-identity-ee | An identity adapter which allows users to log into a Hector IRC server using their Expr... |
3 | 71,329 | 31,663 | harby | Parser for a Tcl-like syntax. Ideal for IRC bots. |
4 | 94,721 | 42,025 | hector-secret-channels | A Hector extension which hides channels from people who are not in them |
5 | 102,516 | 42,025 | hector-jekyll | A Hector extension which enables the use of multiple identity adapters |
6 | 106,677 | 86,038 | minecraft-foreman-syslog-adapter | syslog adapter for Foreman, a Minecraft server wrapper |
7 | 115,755 | 86,038 | cereal | Cereal provides an event-based IRC connection framework built on EventMachine and inspi... |
8 | 122,138 | 86,038 | brane | Simple Markov chain generator using Tokyo Cabinet |