Shayonj's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,22518,933sidekiq_process_killerSidekiqProcessKiller plugs into Sidekiq's middleware and kills a process if its process...
259,41115,410pg_online_schema_changeEasy CLI tool for making non-blocking zero downtime schema changes in PostgreSQL
384,36316,519pg_easy_replicateEasily setup logical replication and switchover to new database with minimal downtime
487,70943,535emergency_numberBased on Emergency Number API. This ruby gem allows you to query the API and get any em...
5140,09397,080signal_action_handlerList current action handlers for all Signals, without having to override the current ac...
6173,029117,678reset_current_threadSimple lib to reset thread local context on demand. Includes a rack middleware plugin.
7175,21330,896branch_baseBranchBase provides a CLI to synchronize a Git repository into a SQLite database.