Devcrea's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,35922,984ruby_rabbitmq_janusThis gem is used to communicate to a server Janus through RabbitMQ software (Message-...
214,47122,984evostream-eventManipulate event evostream and send actions to evostream server.
325,34630,732swagger_docs_generatorGenerates swagger-ui json file for rails-api
425,52819,502mongoid-enum-dazzlHeavily inspired by DDH's ActiveRecord::Enum, this little library is there to help ...
537,68519,502validates_timeliness-mongoidValidatesTimeliness mongoid ORM compatability.
642,77557,505janus_admin_monitor_tokenThis addon for JanusAdminMonitor services. It provides management for tokens.
767,05057,505phpcopParser php files and gives non-respected guidelines.
870,34357,505mongoid-rspec-callbacks-dazzlThis gem is meant to be use with mongoid-rpsec, altought it works by itself. Sy...
9175,63457,505mongoid7-rspec-callbacksThis gem is meant to be use with mongoid-rpsec, altought it works by itself. Synt...
10166,30320,755mongoid7-enumHeavily inspired by DDH's ActiveRecord::Enum, this little library is there to help yo...