Alphabetum's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,5472,308iso-639ISO 639-1 and ISO 639-2 language code entries and convenience methods.
22,5895,102pandoc-rubyRuby wrapper for Pandoc
324,29646,004RbSTA Ruby gem for processing reStructuredText via Python's Docutils.
424,69228,914glyph_imagerGenerate images of glyphs for a specified character in a specified font
539,26669,639lcclassesLibrary of Congress Classification classes and subclasses.
675,51046,004thepubExtraction of Repub's epub module and associated tests
784,63069,639foreign-fqdn-routingAdds domain, subdomain and fqdn routing support to Rails
8107,32969,639autodata-acts_as_versionedSimple versioning with active record models